Information about relocated vehicles
023 / 302 - 100 (0 - 24:00 h)
Towing service business hours from 07:00 until 21:00 h (during summer until 22:00 h)
Towing service rates
Relocation of passenger cars up to 1.5 t
39,82 € / 300,02 kn
Relocation initiated – arrival of a tow truck
19,91 € / 150,01 kn
Vehicle storage charge per day
6,64 € / 50,03 kn
Locking of cargo vehicles (wheel clamps)
79,63 € / 599,97 kn
Locking initiated – arrival of a tow truck
19,91 € / 150,01 kn
Demurrage for wheel clamps lock
6,64 € / 50,03 kn
1 € = 7,53450 kn
Location of impound lot
Marka Marulića 4, Zadar
(parking space "RAVNICE" opposite the city hospital)
After the towing service working hours, it is necessary to contact the competent traffic police station for interventions.
Interventions outside of towing service working hours are carried out exclusively by order issued by police officers.
Moved vehicles - questions and answers
Why does the city of Zadar need a tow-away service?
- Greater surveillance over illegally parked vehicles.
- Illegally parked vehicles are effectively removed upon a received precept to remove such vehicles, issued by authorized person.
- Effectively removing vehicles for the purposes of public utility companies.
- Efficient vehicle removal service.
What license allows the usage of parking places reserved for persons with disabilities?
- A disabled parking placard (blue card with dimensions 100 x 170 mm), which must be displayed under the windscreen, allows parking on the places reserved for persons with disabilities (NN 78/08).
- The disabled parking placard can be used in case when (any) vehicle is parked only by a person with disability (the same person from the photograph on the placard) or by other person driving the person with disability.
- All parking placards issued prior to January 1, 2008 are no longer valid.
In which cases a vehicle can be towed away?
- Vehicles are towed away in cases regulated by the Road Traffic Safety Act, article 84, paragraph 1, 1-12.
- Vehicles are towed away in cases regulated by the Decision on Communal Order, article 105.
When does the act of towing away start?
- The act of towing away starts from the moment the tow truck is on the place of a transgression with a precept to remove the vehicle until the moment the tow truck leaves the place of the transgression.
Who is authorized to issue a precept to tow away a vehicle?
- A vehicle is towed away exclusively upon a precept issued by the traffic police, police or utility worker (green areas).
Who is authorized to decide whether to tow away a vehicle?
- The decision to tow away a vehicle is made by an authorized person of the Zadar Police Department, Traffic Police or the Zadar Utility Company.
- Tow – away is a transport service which provides services of removing a vehicle upon a precept or an order to remove a vehicle.
How to claim the vehicle from the tow pound?
- The impounded vehicle is claimed by presenting driving licence and identity documents.
- The owner of the vehicle is given a record/receipted bill together with the vehicle.
- The owners of the vehicles with Croatian license plates can pay cash or with card, whereas in the case of the delayed payment the invoice will be sent to the owner's home address. The owners with foreign license plates pay immediately when claiming the vehicle, cash or card.
To whom do you submit a complaint contesting a parking violation?
- The complaint contesting a parking violation can be submitted to the authority which issued a precept or an order, to GRAD ZADAR, Upravni odjel za komunalne djelatnosti, Odsjek za prometno redarstvo Zadar, Narodni trg 1, or in cases when the precept is issued by a police officer to MUP RH, Postaja prometne policije Zadar, B. Josipa Jelačića 30, 23000 ZADAR, as it is stated in the vehicle acceptance record.